Our contemporary culture is communicating ever-increasingly through the visual, through film, and through music. This makes it ever more urgent for theologians to explore the resources of art for enriching our understanding and experience of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Annunciations: Sacred Music for the Twenty-First Century, edited by George Corbett, answers this need, evaluating the relati…
In modern societies the functional differentiation of medicine and religion is the predominant paradigm. Contemporary therapeutic practices and concepts in healing systems, such as Transpersonal Psychology, Ayurveda, as well as Buddhist and Anthroposophic medicine, however, are shaped by medical as well as religious or spiritual elements. This book investigates configurations of the entanglemen…
Hingga kini ada banyak fungsi otak yang belum tergali dan dipahami oleh masyarakat selain sebagai alat untuk berpikir dan pengendali seluruh kinerja sistem-sistem organ lainnya. Neuroscience atau ilmu yang mempelajari otak melalui pendekatan nonmedis bahkan meyakini adanya Kecerdasan Biofilia (mencintai kehidupan) yang dapat membawa kesenangan dan kegembiraan dalam hidup Anda. Puncak dari semua…