n this bold and original study, Jeff Kochan constructively combines the sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) with Martin Heidegger’s early existential conception of science. Kochan shows convincingly that these apparently quite different approaches to science are, in fact, largely compatible, even mutually reinforcing. By combining Heidegger with SSK, Kochan argues, we can explicate, elab…
This work compares the process and practice of nineteenth-century American and Russian internal colonization, a form of contiguous, continental expansion, imperialism and colonialism that incorporated indigenous lands and peoples. It provides a critical, comparative examination of internal colonization exercised by the United States and Russia and experienced by two indigenous populations, the …
Along with the theoretical or traditionally historical question “What is literature?”, the critical and political question “What can literature do?” begs an answer. What value do contemporary society and culture ascribe to literature? What utility? What role? “My confidence in the future of literature”, wrote Italo Calvino, consists in the knowledge that there are things that only l…
Why did Yugoslavia fall apart? Was its violent demise inevitable? Did its population simply fall victim to the lure of nationalism? How did this multinational state survive for so long, and where do we situate the short life of Yugoslavia in the long history of Europe in the twentieth century? The Complete History of Yugoslavia by Marie-Janine Calic provides a concise, accessible, comprehensive…
Dostoevsky attached introductions to his most challenging narratives, including Notes from the House of the Dead, Notes from Underground, The Devils, The Brothers Karamazov, and “A Gentle Creature.” Despite his clever attempts to call his readers’ attention to these introductions, they have been neglected as an object of study for over 150 years. That oversight is rectified in First Words…
The volume collects original studies highlighting contemporary trends in historical sociolinguistics, as well as current research on the relationship between sociolinguistics and historical linguistics, social motivations of language variation and change, and corpus-based studies. Distinctive features of the book, which make it appealing to a wider audience, are the interdisciplinary nature of …
buku ini mencoba mengangkat khazanah sejarah, seni, dan budaya, meski dalam lingkup yang masih kecil. Awalnya, buku ini sudah pernah diterbitkan oleh penerbit yang sama pada 2011 lalu. Buku ini menghimpun sejumlah artikel saya yang pernah dimuat di media cetak dan online. Ada 25 judul artikel yang saya sertakan. Beberapa artikel baru, terbit pada 2011 hingga 2017
Buku ini merupakan seri kedua dari Mencari Indonesia yang merupakan kumpulan tulisan tentang berbagai isu demografi politik di Indonesia. Buku ini juga merupakan edisi revisi dari versi originalnya yang telah terbit pada tahun 2010 oleh LIPI Press. Seri kedua ini menekankan tentang perlunya memahami proses pembangunan sosial, ekonomi, dan politik, terutama pada masa Orde Baru. Berdasarkan anal…
Buku ini merupakan seri pertama dari Mencari Indonesia yang akan direncanakan terdiri dari lima buku. Buku ini juga merupakan edisi revisi dari versi originalnya yang telah terbit pada tahun 2007 lewat kerja sama LIPI Press dan Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia. Seri pertama ini berisi tulisan-tulisan yang mengupas berbagai isu sosial, ekonomi, politik, dan budaya yang muncul setelah berakhirnya r…
Historians have long lamented the lack of contemporary documentary sources for the Islamic middle ages and the inhibiting effect this has had on our understanding of this critically important period. Although the field is richly served by surviving evidence, much of it is hard to locate, difficult to access, and philologically intractable. Presenting a mixture of historical studies and new edit…
This volume encompasses a broad span of issues related to borders as areas of intense activity substantially contributing to the dynamics of culture. The chapters address questions relating to the construction and reconstruction of borders, as well as the experience and representation of physical, spiritual, imagined and symbolic borders. The authors provide perspectives on emerging and dissolv…
This edited collection explores the ways in which our understanding of the past in Dutch history and culture can be rethought to consider not only how it forms part of the present but how it can relate also to the future. Divided into three parts – the uses of myth and history, the past as illumination of cultural context, and historiography in focus – this book seeks to demonstrate the imp…
This is a thoroughly updated and revised edition of a popular classic of modern anthropology. Avoiding geographical bias, the authors provide summaries of ‘Enlightenment’, ‘Romantic’ and ‘Victorian’ anthropology, from the cultural theories of Morgan and Taylor to the often neglected contributions of German scholars. The ambiguous relationship between anthropology and national cultur…
Buku 50 Tahun ASEAN: Dinamika dan Tantangan ke Depan di Indonesia ini mencoba mengurai berbagai perkembangan dan peranan ASEAN selama lima puluh tahun berdiri, baik dalam tataran regional maupun internasional. Perkembangan ASEAN dalam 50 tahun dan peran Indonesia di dalamnya; potret dinamika dan tantangan dari masing-masing pilar kerja sama; serta proyeksi masa depan ASEAN, coba dituangkan d…
Frontier Tibet addresses a historical sequence that sealed the future of the Sino-Tibetan borderlands. It considers how starting in the late nineteenth century imperial formations and emerging nation-states developed competing schemes of integration and debated about where the border between China and Tibet should be. It also ponders the ways in which this border is internalised today, creating…
Buku Model Pembelajaran Sejarah Islam Berbasis Kebhinnekaan (PSI-BK) Sebagai Daya Tangkal Radikalisme di Perguruan Tinggi. Buku Model PSI-BK ini dilandasi oleh teori konstruktivisme dan teori karakter Thomas Lickona. Berdasarkan kajian teori dihubungkan dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam pembuatan model ini maka diperoleh karakteristik model pembelajaran PSI-BK yaitu materi integratif, meto…
Meli, Riko, dan Candra menemukan selembar kertas bertuliskan puisi misterius. Kertas itu milik seorang pria bermasker yang telah mengambil ransel Candra. Dapatkah Trio MeRiCa memecahkan teka-teki puisi misterius tersebut dan mendapatkan kembali ranselnya?
Pada tahun 1930-an dunia mengalami apa yang disebut zaman malaise, krisis ekonomi. AKan tetapi ketika itu pula pergerakan politik kebangsaan yang radikal menaikkan aktivitasnya. Ketika itu pulalah de Jonge, Gubernur Jenderal, yang konservatif, bukan saja mengadakan penghematan anggaran belanja Hindia Belanda, tetapi juga-dan lebih penting-melakukan pengekangan pergerakan kebangsaan. Di zaman ma…
Kemerdekaan yang diraih pada tahun 1945 memberikan harapan yang sangat besar bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Mimpi untuk menjadi penduduk sebuah negara yang berdaulat pun terwujud, terlepas dari cengkeraman penjajah. Namun hal itu tidak menyurutkan dinamika politik-keamanan yang terjadi di tanah air, baik itu rongrongan konflik internal, gerakan separatisme maupun kembalinya kekuatan asing. Buku…