"This book contributes to the foundations of a critical theory of communication as shaped by the forces of digital capitalism. One of the world's leading theorists of digital media Professor Christian Fuchs explores how the thought of some of the Frankfurt School’s key thinkers can be deployed for critically understanding media in the age of the Internet. Five essays that form the heart of th…
Looking at and listening to picture and story books is a ubiquitous activity, frequently enjoyed by many young children and their parents. Well before children can read for themselves they are able to learn from books. Looking at and listening to books increases children’s general knowledge, understanding about the world and promotes language acquisition. This collection of papers demonstrate…
This book is devoted to an increasingly important educational problem in the modern societies: school achievement and failure. School failure is presently a problem in developed as well as in developing countries. In the Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries in Europe and Latin America, school achievement and failure is consequently an important topic of political, social and scientific dis…
In an effort to improve student achievement, thousands of US schools have adopted school reform models devised externally by universities and other organizations. Such models have been successful in improving individual schools or groups of schools, but what happens when educational reform attempts to extend from one school to many? Through qualitative data from several studies, this book explo…
First Published in 1989. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
This open access book presents theoretical and practical research relating to the vast, publicly financed program for the construction of new schools and the reorganization of existing educational buildings in Italy. This transformative process aims to give old buildings a fresh identity, to ensure that facilities are compliant with the new educational and teaching models, and to improve both e…
The teaching of young children has long been dominated by women. This global phenomenon is firmly rooted in issues related to economic development, urbanization, the position of women in society, cultural definitions of masculinity and the values of children and childcare. Yet, amongst the media scare stories and moral panics about underachieving boys, there are surprisingly few empirically-sup…
A review of research on “not-school” learning that investigates what is distinctive in the quality of learning in these settings.Schools do not define education, and they are not the only institutions in which learning takes place. After-school programs, music lessons, Scouts, summer camps, on-the-job training, and home activities all offer out-of-school educational experiences. In Learning…
This open access handbook brings together the latest research from a wide range of internationally influential scholars to analyze educational policy research from international, historical and interdisciplinary perspectives. By effectively breaking through the boundaries between countries and disciplines, it presents new theories, techniques and methods for contemporary education policy, and i…
This volume argues for the need of a common ground that bridges leadership studies, curriculum theory, and Didaktik. It proposes a non-affirmative education theory and its core concepts along with discursive institutionalism as an analytical tool to bridge these fields. It concludes with implications of its coherent theoretical framing for future empirical research.Recent neoliberal policies an…
The main objective of this Research Topic is to determine the conditions that place students at risk of school failure, identifying student and context variables.In spite of the fact that there is currently little doubt about how one learns and how to teach, in some countries of the “developed world,” there is still there is a high rate of school failure. Although the term “school failure…
This open access book explores specific migration, governance, and identity processes currently involving children and ideas of childhood. Migrancy as a social space allows majority populations to question the capabilities of migrants, and is a space in which an increasing number of children are growing up. In this space, families, nation-states, civil society, as well as children themselves ar…
This open access volume raises awareness of the histories, geographies, and practices of universities and analyzes their role as key actors in today’s global knowledge economy. Universities are centers of research, teaching, and expertise with significant economic, social, and cultural impacts at different geographical scales. Scholars from a variety of disciplines and countries offer origina…
This book intends to deepen the knowledge of the extended and uncertain transitions from school to work and to higher education by analysing the perspectives of youths and young adults and by addressing policies and institutional practices. The book critically examines the ‘transition machinery’ consisting of various education and training measures, projects and schemes, provided by educati…
This Open Access book features a school development model (Arizona Initiative for Leadership Development and Research AZiLDR) that offers a roadmap for schools to navigate the complexities of continuous school development. Filled with processes that balance evidence-based values with democratic, culturally responsive values, this book offers strategies to mediate the tensions and to address sch…
There is a growing realization that the role of educational leaders has been undergoing many changes in the era of globalization due to the diverse needs and expectations of the stakeholders of education. Schools have different specific needs due to their demographical structure, the academic achievement level of students, the experience of teachers and parental involvement and they need educat…
Building Better Schools with Evidence-based Policy: Adaptable Policy for Teachers and School Leaders provides an extensive set of free-to-use policies for building better schools. The policies included in this book cover a broad range of popular topics for schools that are not readily accessible, and each policy is built on theory, driven by research, and created by experts. Each policy is base…
This open access book discusses challenges in school improvement research and different methodological approaches that have the potential to foster school improvement research. Research on school improvement and accountability analysis places high demands on a study’s design and method. The potential of combining the depth of case studies with the breath of quantitative measures and analyses …
The management of resources is a central duty for school and college leaders, but one for which they are often under-prepared. Good, contextual information and guidance are vital, especially as increased marketisation, international comparison and decentralised governance put additional pressure on leaders to manage their resources astutely. This second edition of Educational Resource Managemen…
This open access book is a comparative analysis of recent large scale education reforms that broadened curriculum goals to better prepare students for the 21st century. The book examines what governments actually do when they broaden curriculum goals, with attention to the details of implementation. To this end, the book examines system level reforms in six countries at various levels of develo…
This enriched reference guide offers a unique overview of more than 200 picture books published by Canadian publishing houses between 2017–2019. The authors cover key themes in contemporary Canadian titles that match broad curriculum trends in education. Response activities are included in the text, for example frameworks for critical literacy discussions, along with annotated bibliographies …
This book aims to meet the demands on teaching and learning in the twenty-first century, and in specific, how teacher education may transform pedagogical approaches and didactic methods to support future teachers in enhancing needful skills. In particular, it focuses on the pedagogical approach of Storyline, and how a Storyline can be applied in teacher education. It argues that teacher educati…
This Open Access book examines children’s participation in dialectical reciprocity with place-based institutional practices by presenting empirical research from Australia, Brazil, China, Poland, Norway and Wales. Underpinned by cultural-historical theory, the analysis reveals how outdoors and nature form unique conditions for children's play, formal and informal learning and cultural formati…
This Open Access book examines children’s participation in dialectical reciprocity with place-based institutional practices by presenting empirical research from Australia, Brazil, China, Poland, Norway and Wales. Underpinned by cultural-historical theory, the analysis reveals how outdoors and nature form unique conditions for children's play, formal and informal learning and cultural formati…
Undang Undang Nomor 43 Tahun 2007 tentang Perpustakaan Pasal 23 ayat (1) mengamanatkan bahwa setiap sekolah/madrasah menyelenggarakan perpustakaan yang memenuhi standar nasional perpustakaan dengan memperhatikan standar nasional pendidikan. Standar nasional perpustakaan tersebut terdiri atas standar koleksi perpustakaan, standar sarana dan prasarana, standar pelayanan perpustakaan, standar tena…
This book reignites discussion on the importance of collaboration and innovation in language education. The pivotal difference highlighted in this volume is the concept of team learning through collaborative relationships such as team teaching. It explores ways in which team learning happens in ELT environments and what emerges from these explorations is a more robust concept of team learning i…
This open access handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the growing field of positive education, featuring a broad range of theoretical, applied, and practice-focused chapters from leading international experts. It demonstrates how positive education offers an approach to understanding learning that blends academic study with life skills such as self-awareness, emotion regulation, health…
Tanalís Padilla traces the history of the normales rurales—rural schools in Mexico that trained campesino teachers—and outlines how despite being intended to foster a modern, patriotic citizenry, they became sites of radical politics.
Austrian Economics Re-examined: The Economics of Time and Ignorance is an expanded version of the 1996 edition of The Economics of Time and Ignorance. This work is a classic statement of the role of subjectivism, radical uncertainty and change through real time in Austrian economics specifically, and in modern economics more generally. The new book contains the full text and Introductions of th…
Inclusive education has been phased in in South Africa since 2001, but relies heavily upon adequate support services to support learners and teachers experiencing barriers to learning and development. This book focuses on the different levels of support provided in South African education – from School-based Support Teams to District-based Support Teams through to special and full-service sch…
Volume pertama dari proyek editorial dibagi menjadi dua karya: ini didedikasikan untuk hubungan antara dimensi metodologis-didaktik, teknologi dan organisasi dalam proses inovasi sekolah; yang kedua didedikasikan untuk guru pendidikan inklusif dan peran teknologi dalam layanan penilaian keterampilan dan bimbingan karir. Tujuan dari kedua karya tersebut sama: mengumpulkan refleksi dan mendukung …
Artistic research is an endeavour in which the artistic and the academic are connected. In this emerging field of research artistic practices contribute as research to what we know and understand, and academia opens its mind to forms of knowledge and understanding that are entwined with artistic practices. Henk Borgdorff also addresses how we comment on such issues, and how the things we say ca…