This open access book presents a systematic investigation into internationally comparable data gathered in ICILS 2013. It identifies differences in female and male students’ use of, perceptions about, and proficiency in using computer technologies. Teachers’ use of computers, and their perceptions regarding the benefits of computer use in education, are also analyzed by gender. When compute…
Secara umum yang dimaksud dengan literasi digital adalah kemampuan menggunakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK), untuk menemukan, mengevaluasi, memanfaatkan, membuat dan mengkomunikasikan konten/informasi, dengan kecakpan kognitif maupun teknikal. Ada banyak model kerangka (framework) untuk literasi digital yang dapat ditemukan di Internet, dengan ragam nama dan bentuk. Setiap model mem…
"This book studies the ”grey area” of the success story of rural lending libraries in the Nordic countries through the activities of people’s libraries in one area of Central Finland. The study explores the influence of social, cultural, geographical and economic phenomena, such as the spread of revivalist movements, on the reading habits of the local population and reveals interesting re…
Given the increasing attention to managing, publishing, and preserving research datasets as scholarly assets, what competencies in working with research data will graduate students in STEM disciplines need to be successful in their fields? And what role can librarians play in helping students attain these competencies? In addressing these questions, this book articulates a new area of opportuni…
Diterbitkan berkala dan didistribusikan secara gratis oleh Media Guru Indonesia. Bacaan wajib penggiat literasi untuk memajukan gerakan menulis dan membaca di Indonesia.
Diterbitkan berkala dan didistribusikan secara gratis oleh Media Guru Indonesia. Bacaan wajib penggiat literasi untuk memajukan gerakan menulis dan membaca di Indonesia.
Cowinner of the Society for Linguistic Anthropology’s Edward Sapir Book Prize Since the early 1990s hundreds of thousands of Tamil villagers in southern India have participated in literacy lessons and other events designed to transform them into active citizens with access to state power. These efforts are part of a movement known as the Arivoli Iyakkam (the Enlightenment Movement), one of th…
“This work offers us the rare opportunity to step inside innovative uses of technologies, mergers of global technologies into local knowledge, and community advocacy of local history and ideology…The young people who move through these pages are motivated and proud of having had the opportunities that make possible their linking together of historical knowledge and contemporary means of com…
Diterbitkan berkala dan didistribusikan secara gratis oleh Media Guru Indonesia. Bacaan wajib penggiat literasi untuk memajukan gerakan menulis dan membaca di Indonesia.
Diterbitkan berkala dan didistribusikan secara gratis oleh Media Guru Indonesia. Bacaan wajib penggiat literasi untuk memajukan gerakan menulis dan membaca di Indonesia.
Diterbitkan berkala dan didistribusikan secara gratis oleh Media Guru Indonesia. Bacaan wajib penggiat literasi untuk memajukan gerakan menulis dan membaca di Indonesia.
Diterbitkan berkala dan didistribusikan secara gratis oleh Media Guru Indonesia. Bacaan wajib penggiat literasi untuk memajukan gerakan menulis dan membaca di Indonesia.
What does it mean to be media literate in today’s world? How are we transformed by the many media infrastructures around us? We are immersed in a world mediated by information and communication technologies (ICTs). From hardware like smartphones, smartwatches, and home assistants to software like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, our lives have become a complex, interconnected netwo…
This open access book discusses how cultural literacy can be taught and learned through creative practices. It approaches cultural literacy as a dialogic social process based on learning and gaining knowledge through emphatic, tolerant, and inclusive interaction. The book focuses on meaning-making in children and young people’s visual and multimodal artefacts created by students aged 5–15 a…
This open access volume reveals the hidden power of the script we read in and how it shapes and drives our minds, ways of thinking, and cultures. Expanding on the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis (i.e., the idea that language affects the way we think), this volume proposes the “Script Relativity Hypothesis” (i.e., the idea that the script in which we read affects the way we think) by offeri…
Paradoxes of Media and Information Literacy contributes to ongoing conversations about control of knowledge and different ways of knowing. It does so by analysing why media and information literacy (MIL) is proposed as a solution for addressing the current information crisis. Questioning why MIL is commonly believed to wield such power, the book throws into sharp relief several paradoxes that a…
News Literacy and Democracy invites readers to go beyond surface-level fact checking and to examine the structures, institutions, practices, and routines that comprise news media systems. This introductory text underscores the importance of news literacy to democratic life and advances an argument that critical contexts regarding news media structures and institutions should be central to news …
This book establishes a new theoretical and practical framework for multimodal disciplinary literacy (MDL) fused with the subject-specific science pedagogies of senior high school biology, chemistry and physics. It builds a compatible alignment of multiple representation and representation construction approaches to science pedagogy with the social semiotic, systemic functional linguistic-based…
Diterbitkan berkala dan didistribusikan secara gratis oleh Media Guru Indonesia. Bacaan wajib penggiat literasi untuk memajukan gerakan menulis dan membaca di Indonesia.
This open access book is a unique study of the impact of lived experience on literate life, exploring how children’s reading development is affected by their home setting, and how this sense of place influences textual interpretation of the books they read. Based on qualitative research and structured around interviews with twelve participants, Space, Place and Children's Reading Development …
This open access book provides a detailed and up-to-date account of the relevant literature on the legibility of different kinds of typefaces, which goes back over 140 years in the case of reading from paper and more than 50 years in the case of reading from screens. It describes the origins of serif and sans serif styles in ancient inscriptions, their adoption in modern printing techniques, an…
This book explores the history of literature as a history of changing media and modes of communication from prehistory to the present. It argues that literature has evolved, and continues to evolve, in sync with material forms and formats that engage our senses in multiple ways. In telling the story of these connections, it combines an unusual bird’s eye view across periods with illuminating …