Gender is a fascinating category, which has grown steadily in importance across the humanities and social sciences. The book centres on the core of the category within language. Each of the seven contributions provides an independent account of a key part of the topic, ranging from gender and sex, gender and culture, to typology, dialect variation and psycholinguistics.
The goal of this Special Issue is to bring together state-of-the art articles on applied linguistics which reflect investigation carried out by researchers from different parts of the world. By bringing together papers from different perspectives, we hope to be able to gain a better understanding of the field. Hence, this Special Issue intends to address the study of language in its different d…
"Empirical research is carried out in a cyclic way: approaching a research area bottom-up, data lead to interpretations and ideally to the abstraction of laws, on the basis of which a theory can be derived. Deductive research is based on a theory, on the basis of which hypotheses can be formulated and tested against the background of empirical data. Looking at the state-of-the-art in translatio…
The volume collects original studies highlighting contemporary trends in historical sociolinguistics, as well as current research on the relationship between sociolinguistics and historical linguistics, social motivations of language variation and change, and corpus-based studies. Distinctive features of the book, which make it appealing to a wider audience, are the interdisciplinary nature of …
"Form" and "formalism" are a pair of highly productive and polysemous terms that occupy a central place in much linguistic scholarship. Diverse notions of "form" – embedded in biological, cognitive and aesthetic discourses – have been employed in accounts of language structure and relationship, while "formalism" harbours a family of senses referring to particular approaches to the study of …
"The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality on the one hand, and chapters exploring se…
Description The rapid development of technology has led to a borderless community which may affect social life, including language. Through the disruptive technology of the era, the issue of language use and how technology affects language has arisen as a critical aspect of human communication. The current ISOL-4 tries to bring the issues of Language and Disruptive Technology to academic discus…
Buku BAHASA BESEMAH 2 adalah lanjutan dari BUKU BAHASA BESEMAH. Tujuan dari buku ini adalah untuk memberi petunjuk bagaimana seharusnya kalimat, klausa, dan frasa Bahasa Besemah dibentuk. Dengan adanya buku ini diharapkan para pengguna Bahasa Besemah mempunyai panduan sesuai dengan kaidah Bahasa Bahase yang benar.