“Machine Readable Cataloging” (MARC) merupakan salah satu hasil dan juga sekaligus salah satu syarat dalam otomasi perpustakaan. Dikembangkan pertama kali oleh Library of Congress, format LC MARC ternyata sangat besar manfaatnya bagi penyebaran data katalogisasi bahan pustaka ke berbagai perpustakaan di Amerika Serikat. Keberhasilan ini membuat negara lain turut mengembangkan forrmat MARC s…
The formal scientific communication system is currently undergoing significant change. This is due to four developments: the digitisation of formal science communication; the economisation of academic publishing as profit drives many academic publishers and other providers of information; an increase in the self-observation of science by means of publication, citation and utility-based indicato…
Libraries are places of learning and knowledge creation. Over the last two decades, digital technology—and the changes that came with it—have accelerated this transformation to a point where evolution starts to become a revolution.The wider Open Science movement, and Open Access in particular, is one of these changes and is already having a profound impact. Under the subscription model, the…
"This book studies the ”grey area” of the success story of rural lending libraries in the Nordic countries through the activities of people’s libraries in one area of Central Finland. The study explores the influence of social, cultural, geographical and economic phenomena, such as the spread of revivalist movements, on the reading habits of the local population and reveals interesting re…
In China the tradition of a book society is longer than anywhere else in the world. Chinese paper making, calligraphy and woodblock printing date from very early ages, but have for a very long time remained almost unknown to the Western world. At the IFLA satellite meeting “Chinese Written and Printed Cultural Heritage and Library Work” in Hangzhou in 2006 the richness of present day book h…
Digital Humanities remains a contested, umbrella term covering many types of work in numerous disciplines, including literature, history, linguistics, classics, theater, performance studies, film, media studies, computer science, and information science. In Traces of the Old, Uses of the New: The Emergence of Digital Literary Studies, Amy Earhart stakes a claim for discipline-specific history o…
Given the increasing attention to managing, publishing, and preserving research datasets as scholarly assets, what competencies in working with research data will graduate students in STEM disciplines need to be successful in their fields? And what role can librarians play in helping students attain these competencies? In addressing these questions, this book articulates a new area of opportuni…
This open access Pivot book is a comparative study of six early colonial public libraries in nineteenth-century Australia, South Africa, and Southeast Asia. Drawing on networked conceptualisations of empire, transnational frameworks, and ‘new imperial history’ paradigms that privilege imbricated colonial and metropolitan ‘intercultures’, it looks at the neglected role of public librarie…
Invisible Search and Online Search Engines considers the use of search engines in contemporary everyday life and the challenges this poses for media and information literacy. Looking for mediated information is mostly done online and arbitrated by the various tools and devices that people carry with them on a daily basis. Because of this, search engines have a significant impact on the structur…
Perpustakaan perguruan tinggi merupakan bagian integral dari Perguruan Tinggi dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, adalah perpustakaan yang merupakan bagian integral dari kegiatan pendidikan, penelitian berfungsi sebagai pusat sumber belajar, untuk mendukung tercapainya tujuan pendidikan. Adapun yang termasuk dalam katagori perpustakaan perguruan…
Undang Undang Nomor 43 Tahun 2007 tentang Perpustakaan Pasal 23 ayat (1) mengamanatkan bahwa setiap sekolah/madrasah menyelenggarakan perpustakaan yang memenuhi standar nasional perpustakaan dengan memperhatikan standar nasional pendidikan. Standar nasional perpustakaan tersebut terdiri atas standar koleksi perpustakaan, standar sarana dan prasarana, standar pelayanan perpustakaan, standar tena…
Untuk dapat memberikan gambaran menyeluruh tentang kondisi semua jenis perpustakaan di Indonesia, Perpustakaan Nasional RI menyusun profil yang berisi data semua jenis perpustakaan, baik seca ratercetak maupun daring. Buku profil ini merupakan salah satu bentuk penyajian profil perpustakaan dalam bentuk tercetak serta diharapkan akan diikuti dengan penerbitan buku profil dari jenis perpustakaan…
Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi sejak pertengahan Maret 2020 berdampak cukup besar terhadap pengelolaan perpustakaan. Di awal pandemi, hampir semua layanan tatap muka perpustakaan harus ditutup. Lalu, bagaimana perpustakaan berinovasi agar tetap memberikan layanan yang terbaik pada masa-masa tersebut? . Buku ini berisi cerita para pustakawan dan pengelola perpustakaan di 17 perpustakaan kemente…
What do we do when we read? Reading can be an act of consumption or an act of creation. Our “work reading” overlaps with our “pleasure reading,” and yet these two modes of reading engage with different parts of the self. It is sometimes passive, sometimes active, and can even be an embodied form. The contributors to this volume share their own histories of reading in order to reveal the…
Petunjuk teknis ini dibuat berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional No. 20 Tahun 2005 Tentang Kata Utama dan Ejaan Untuk Nama Pengarang Indonesia yang memuat ketentuan pokok penentuan kata utama dan ejaan untuk tajuk nama pengarang Indonesia. Melalui petunjuk teknis ini ketentuan pokok tersebut diberikan uraian penjelasan dan dilengkapi dengan contoh-contok sehingga ketentuan te…
Tujuan utama program preservasi adalah untuk melesrtarikan bahan perpustakaan baik pelestarian bentuk fisik dengan mempertahankan bentuk aslinya dan pelestarian kandungan informasinya. Penjilidan bahan perpustakaan merupakan salah satu solusi dalam menangani bahan perpustakaan yang mengalami kerusakan. Koleksi buku lama yang terbit puluhan tahun yang lalu, memiliki kondisi yang rentan akan keru…
Penyusunan pedoman ini bertujuan sebagai upaya memudahkan pustakawan dan pengelola perpustakaan dalam mengolah bahan perpustakaan sumber elektronik (e-resources). Pustakawan dan pengelola perpustakaan diharapkan dapat memahami bagaimana pengolahan bahan perpustakaan sumber elektronik (e-resources) dan dapat menerapkannya, sehingga mampu melakukan kegiatan pengolahan sumber elektronik (e-resourc…
Pedoman ini hanya akan menguraikan tentang katalog subjek yang disusun secara alfabetis, yang juga hanya merupakan satu aspek yaitu tajuk subjek. Proses pembuatan tajuk subjek dalam katalogisasi disebut pengatalogan subjek (subject cataloging). Pengatalogan subjek adalah mendaftarkan di bawah satu kata atau istilah atau frasa yang seragam dari semua bahan perpustakaan tentang suatu subjek terte…
Libraries, archives and museums have traditionally been a part of the public sphere's infrastructure. They have been so by providing public access to culture and knowledge, by being agents for enlightenment and by being public meeting places in their communities. Digitization and globalization poses new challenges in relation to upholding a sustainable public sphere. Can libraries, archives and…
This Open Access book explores the concept of digital epistemology. In this context, the digital will not be understood as merely something that is linked to specific tools and objects, but rather as different modes of thought. For example, the digital within the humanities is not just databases and big data, topic modelling and speculative visualizations; nor are the objects limited to compute…