In recent decades, traditional methods of philology and intellectual history, applied to the study of Islam and Muslim societies, have been met with considerable criticism from rising generations of scholars who have turned to the social sciences, most notably anthropology and social history, for guidance. This change has been accompanied by the rise of new fields, studying, for example, Islam …
Pada tataran kajian akademik, masyarakat Muslim Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) agak diabaikan karena studi dan publikasi tentang mereka masih sangat langka. Pada hal mereka sudah menetap di wilayah itu sejak abad ke-16 ketika para saudagar dan misionaris Portugis serta Belanda tiba disana. Para perintis Islam di NTT itu telah tiba disana pada kurun waktu yang sama ketika berbagai komunitas Muslim la…
The articles included in this Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam are focused on two perspectives: Some link the comparative analysis of Islam to ongoing debates on the Axial Age and its role in the formation of major civilizational complexes, while others are more concerned with the historical constellations and sources involved in the formation of Islam as a religion and a civilization. More t…