The geek is male. Or so it seems. As is well documented, there is a distinct under-representation of girls studying computing at high school level and, correspondingly, going on to have careers in IT. To address this problem, in 2007 the authors of this book, with backgrounds in secondary teaching or IT, trialled a new and revolutionary program in schools: ‘Digital Divas’. The Digital Divas…
Knowledge Services converges information management, knowledge management (KM), and strategic learning into a single enterprise-wide discipline for the benefit of the business or organization in which it is practiced. With the success of knowledge services as a management methodology, the practice has become an acknowledged framework for strategic knowledge management applicable to all business…
The Persistence of Memory is a history of the public memory of transatlantic slavery in the largest slave-trading port city in Europe, from the end of the 18th century into the 21st century; from history to memory. Mapping this public memory over more than two centuries reveals the ways in which dissonant pasts, rather than being ‘forgotten histories’, persist over time as a contested publi…
This open access book covers the use of data science, including advanced machine learning, big data analytics, Semantic Web technologies, natural language processing, social media analysis, time series analysis, among others, for applications in economics and finance. In addition, it shows some successful applications of advanced data science solutions used to extract new knowledge from data in…
Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi sejak pertengahan Maret 2020 berdampak cukup besar terhadap pengelolaan perpustakaan. Di awal pandemi, hampir semua layanan tatap muka perpustakaan harus ditutup. Lalu, bagaimana perpustakaan berinovasi agar tetap memberikan layanan yang terbaik pada masa-masa tersebut? . Buku ini berisi cerita para pustakawan dan pengelola perpustakaan di 17 perpustakaan kemente…