Booklet “Tips Keamanan Pangan Edisi Ramadhan + Tips khusus mencegah Covid-19” merupakan persembahan Badan POM untuk masyarakat Indonesia, dengan harapan booklet ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan edukasi keamanan pangan dan memberikan kontribusi dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap keamanan pangan.
The emergence of Zika virus in 2015 challenged conventional ideas of mosquito-borne diseases, tested the resilience of health systems and embedded itself within local sociocultural worlds, with major implications for environmental, sexual, reproductive and paediatric health. This book explores this complex viral epidemic and situates it within its broader social, epidemiological and historical …
This open access book provides an extensive review of ethical and regulatory issues related to human infection challenge studies, with a particular focus on the expansion of this type of research into endemic settings and/or low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Human challenge studies (HCS) involve the intentional infection of research participants, and this type of research is rapidly inc…