Buku ini membahas berbagai jenis fauna yang dapat ditemukan di Sungai Sangatta dan Bengalon, Kabupaten Kutai Timur, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Data ilmiah dari fauna-fauna tersebut disajikan secara komprehensif, di antaranya informasi mengenai deskripsi fisik, variasi genetik, status konservasi, status kromosom, persebaran, dan kegunaan bagi masyarakat sekitar. Selain itu, juga dibahas permasa-…
Swarming has become a fundamental cultural technique related to dynamic processes and an effective metaphor for the collaborative efforts of society. This book examines the media history of swarm research and its significance to current socio-technological processes. It shows that the hype about collective intelligence is based on a reciprocal computerization of biology and biologization of com…