Globalization is a powerful force with far reaching impacts on education and education policy. The growth of large scale international surveys of student achievement and the increasing role played by intergovernmental agencies in education means that the influence that globalization exerts on education is likely to increase even further in the future.This open access book provides a significant…
The book explores the idea that pedagogy for autonomy requires the integration of teacher and learner development and can be enhanced through a case-based approach in teacher education. A case-based approach values experiential professional learning and expands professional competences necessary to promote autonomy in schools: developing a critical view of (language) education; managing local c…
Businesses, philanthropies and non-profit entities are increasingly successful in capturing public funds to support private provision of schooling in developed and developing countries. Coupled with market-based reforms that include weak regulation, control over workforces, standardization of processes and economies of scale, private provision of schooling is often seen to be convenient for bot…
As with most dynamic activities that are based on social and cultural contexts and rely on interactions, education is a complex and often ambiguous endeavor. Despite this complexity, scholars and educators are often required to find ways of defining and explaining what ""good"" teaching is and to incorporate these conclusions into teacher education. This book contains eight scholarly articles f…
This volume addresses the role and importance of education for processes of transitional justice. In the aftermath of conflict and mass violence, education has been one of the tools with which societies have sought to achieve positive transformation. While education has the potential to trigger, maintain, and exacerbate conflict, it has also been designed to promote a deeper, more nuanced under…
This book discusses disciplinary struggles in education from three perspectives. The chapters in the first section analyse the disciplinary character of educational practice and institutions. The second section focuses on justification of educational knowledge in transmission between theory and practice. The contributions of the third section problematise the aims and functions of educational p…
There are two constants in academic and theological discourse throughout history, they are the debate around secularization and the dialogue concerning the intersection of religion and education. Each age has had its debate about modernizing forces that drive concerns of impending secularization. In this publication this theme is approached from perspectives of teachers, of students, of policy …
In a plural, complex, and diverse society, the school faces many challenges. Teachers must prepare their students for future professions, unthinkable nowadays, and the digital competences of teachers and students are one of the axes of an advanced school. This book presents a set of works rigorously elaborated by authors of different disciplines, on the role of information and communication tec…
This book examines the politics of the learning crisis in the global South, where learning outcomes have stagnated or worsened, despite progress towards Universal Primary Education since the 1990s. Comparative analysis of education reform in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ghana, Rwanda, South Africa, and Uganda highlights systemic failure on the frontline of education service delivery, driven by deeper …
This book aims to meet the demands on teaching and learning in the twenty-first century, and in specific, how teacher education may transform pedagogical approaches and didactic methods to support future teachers in enhancing needful skills. In particular, it focuses on the pedagogical approach of Storyline, and how a Storyline can be applied in teacher education. It argues that teacher educati…
Building Better Schools with Evidence-based Policy: Adaptable Policy for Teachers and School Leaders provides an extensive set of free-to-use policies for building better schools. The policies included in this book cover a broad range of popular topics for schools that are not readily accessible, and each policy is built on theory, driven by research, and created by experts. Each policy is base…
Berdasarkan data survei indeks literasi digital nasional 2020 di 34 provinsi di Indonesia, akses terhadap internet ditemukan kian cepat, terjangkau, dan tersebar hingga ke pelosok (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, 2020). Dalam survei tersebut juga terungkap bahwa literasi digital masyarakat Indonesia masih berada pada level sedang (Katadata Insight Center & Kementerian Komunikasi dan Inf…
Focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, which in recent years has been the engine of global economic growth , this volume surveys trends and prospects in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) with particular reference to achieving inclusive growth and the greening of economies. Underlying the increasing pressure for new models of TVET provision is the rapid pace of technological c…
""Marvin Lazerson’s new book is exactly what is needed: a readable, cogent explanation of how the U.S. can have the best system of higher education in the world, but also a system that seems to be coming apart at the seams.” —Susan Fuhrman, President Teachers College, Columbia University, President of the National Academy of Education ""In prose remarkable for its clarity and analysis rem…
In the Colombian case, it is very common to associate academic performance with the students' socioeconomic conditions. A generalized and bivariate interpretation of this relationship could imply that only students from a high socioeconomic class would perform satisfactorily and that all students from a low socioeconomic class would perform poorly. If this is the case, then the educational syst…
Flexibility has become a watchword in modern education, but its implementation is by no means a straightforward matter. Flexible Pedagogy, Flexible Practice sheds light on the often taken-for-granted assumptions that inform daily practice and examines the institutional dynamics that help and hinder efforts toward flexibility. The collection in international in scope, drawing on the experience o…
The importance of adult education is growing steadily— be it in relation with migration, matters of inclus - ion, the work place etc. Thus, this international perspective on the most important research issues in adult education is a wealth of knowledge for anyone related to this field. The book is composed as a text book and thus, provides didactic material for discussion and further explorat…
This book disseminates original research on learning in and from practice in pre-service teacher education. Authors such as Lederman and Lederman describe the student teaching practicum (or work-integrated learning [WIL]), which is an essential component of pre-service teacher education, as the ‘elephant in the room’. These authors note that 'the capstone experience in any teacher education…
This open access book presents a structural model and an associated test instrument designed to provide a detailed analysis of professional competences for teaching mathematical modelling. The conceptualisation is based on the COACTIV model, which describes aspects, areas and facets of professional competences of teachers. The manual provides an overview of the essential teaching skills in appl…
Continuous professional development is of great importance if one is to develop quality professional work. This book contains some of the latest research advances related to the field of Physical Education and Sports. In today's globalized world, continuous and permanent education is necessary and essential to complement the initial training and previous experience. In this book, you can find a…
Fenomena intoleransi atau ketiadaan tenggang rasa (KKBI) dalam beragama belakangan ini semakin menguat. Beberapa lembaga pendidikan diindikasikan menjadi tempat persemaian paham intoleran. Perilaku intoleransi pada peserta didik mengambil berbagai bentuk seperti mahasiswa setuju dengan negara berdasar agama tertentu, mahasiswa terpapar paham radikal. Aktivis ROHIS di berbagai lembaga pendidikan…
Seri Pendidikan mendukung poin ke-4 SDGs, yakni “memastikan kualitas pendidikan yang inklusif dan merata, serta mendukung kesempatan belajar sepanjang hayat bagi semua”. Bunga rampai ini terbagi menjadi empat subtema, yaitu pendidikan menengah dan dasar, pendidikan literasi dan numerasi, pendidikan vokasi/kejuruan, dan pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) dan inklusif. Keempat subtema tersebut …
Buku ini memaparkan secara kritis dan seimbang terhadap fenomena intoleransi keagamaan. Oleh karena itu, buku ini bukan-lah sebuah karya keagamaan ataupun karya yang ingin menyudutkan sebuah kepercayaan yang dimiliki oleh suatu kelompok keyakinan. Dalam buku ini, selain mengkaji mengenai masalah intoleransi di Indonesia, juga mengulik tentang perkembangan pendidikan di Indonesia, toleransi bera…
Seri Pendidikan mendukung poin ke-4 SDGs, yakni “memastikan kualitas pendidikan yang inklusif dan merata, serta mendukung kesempatan belajar sepanjang hayat bagi semua”. Bunga rampai ini terbagi menjadi empat subtema, yaitu pendidikan menengah dan dasar, pendidikan literasi dan numerasi, pendidikan vokasi/kejuruan, dan pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) dan inklusif. Keempat subtema tersebut …
Seri Pendidikan Karakter dan Deradikalisasi adalah buku tuntunan khusus bagi para pembaca agar semakin mengenal karakter dirinya dan menanggapi setiap hal dengan pendekatan humanisme. Buku "Kenali Maaf" menyajikan tentang makna permaafan, pentingnya memaafkan, dan energi positif yang bisa dibangun dengan memaafkan. Dengan penyajian menarik dan gaya bertutur populer, namun tidak kehilangan daya …
Penulisan sejarah sastra Indonesia modern selama ini belum menyinggung dengan baik mengenai roman Medan. Beberapa ahli bahkan mengatakan bahwa roman Medan, atau lebih dikenal dengan roman picisan, hanya merupakan bahan bacaan saja dan bukan karya sastra. Tampaknya hal tersebut terjadi karena kurangnya informasi mengenai roman Medan. Padahal, roman Medan pada masanya (saat terbit) jumlah terbita…
Mengajarkan musik tentunya juga membutuhkan suatu teori dan referensi. Khususnya kepada anak-anak, ada beberapa pendekatan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengajarkan musik. Buku ini menujukkan beberapa pendekatan pembelajaran tersebut, mulai dari hal-hal yang penting dilakukan untuk mengajarkan musik kepada anak, strategi mengajarkan teori musik, hingga metode-metode populer yang diajarkan di sekol…
Never have the scope and limits of scientific freedom been more important or more under attack. New science, from artificial intelligence to genomic manipulation, creates unique opportunities to make the world a better place. But it also presents unprecedented dangers, which many believe threaten the survival of humanity and the planet. This collection, by an international and multidisciplinary…
Realitas generasi masa kini begitu akrab dengan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Di sisi lain masalah pendidikan sangat kompleks. Peluang dan tantangan membudayakan TIK untuk pendidikan tersebut menjadi bahan kajian, penelitian, dan pengembangan yang sangat penting. Sebagai kajian akademik, realitas tersebut masih belum banyak dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, Orasi Ilmiah ini ditujukan seb…
This edited book challenges the limits of current educational philosophical discourse and argues for a restored normativisation of education through a powerful notion of justice. Moving beyond conventional paradigms of how justice and education relate, the book rethinks the promotion of justice in, for, and through education in its current state. Chapters combine international and diverse ph…
This edited book provides international insights and recommendations around topics of gender and diversity in higher education linking to larger societal goals of improving equality. Within each of the four sections – Student recruitment and retention, Student experience, Faculty and staff experiences and culture, and Higher education cultures of teaching and research – topics unpack and…
The unprecedented rate of global, technological, and societal change calls for a radical, new understanding of literacy. This book offers a nuanced framework for making sense of literacy by addressing knowledge as contextualised, embodied, multimodal, and digitally mediated. In today’s world of technological breakthroughs, social shifts, and rapid changes to the educational landscape, lite…
This book analyses young people’s societal participation as a central dimension of their well-being and as vitally important to secure the sustainable future of humankind and the whole eco-social system. It develops a theoretical framework for analysing youth participation holistically, embedded in its everyday context, and as a relational phenomenon, underpinned by universal human needs. …