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A guide to the ants of Jambi (Sumatra, Indonesia):identification key to ant genera and images of the EFForTS collection
Ants are tiny creatures that are often overlooked in our everyday lives. Yet, there are more than 15.000 species of ants on Earth, and their total biomass is higher than that of all humans combined. They invented agriculture more than 50 million years ago, turn more soil than earthworms, can lift 5,000 times their body weight, and can form supercolonies that span across continents. With the third largest tropical forest in the world, Indonesia is home to thousands of ant species, many of them unknown to science. This book documents more than 300 ant species that were found in rainforests and agroforestry of Jambi Province, Sumatra, and includes a recently updated Identification Key to the ant genera of Southeast Asia. Studying this book will bring you closer to our planet’s fascinating diversity, and the little things that run our world. This book will be a great starting point for those who want to know more about the ants of Southeast Asia, as well as a valuable resource for scientists and students studying ants this part of the world. All in all, this book is a compendium of the ants of Jambi, Sumatra, and embodies a starting point for further ant research in Indonesia.
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