Pengenalan darah utuh atau komponen darah langsung ke dalam aliran darah. (Dorland, edisi ke-27)
Buku ini berisi kumpulan tulisan dalam bentuk esai terkait sistem pendidikan jarak jauh yang disampaikan dengan bahasa sederhana agar dapat dipahami oleh semua kalangan. Tulisan dalam buku ini menyajikan narasi hasil dari pengamatan, pengalaman, dan gagasan perspektif milenial sehingga menjadi warna tersendiri terhadap gambaran pendidikan jarak jauh.
Visually Provoking - a dynamic collection of visually oriented research about current doctoral studies from international art educators in Australia, Canada, China, Egypt, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Portugal, Spain, and the United States of America. Together we are thinking about, with and through the visual, focusing attention on practices that are reshaping our understandings of intellectual e…
Adolescence is a pivotal time in a girl's life. The development of educational, physical, psychosocial, familial, political and economic capabilities enable girls to reach their full potential and contribute to the wellbeing of their families and society. However, progress is still significantly constrained by discriminatory gender norms and the related attitudes and practices which restrict gi…
Buku ilmiah populer yang ada di tangan Anda ini merupakan buah karya hasil pemikiran dan pengalaman penulis selama bertahun-tahun mengenai konsep dasar dokumentasi. Dokumen, menu rut sang penulis yang juga merupakan seorang pustakawan kenamaan Indonesia, ialah pusat dari perjalanan hidup dan budaya umat manusia. Terkait hal ini, dokumentasi tentunya tidak terbatas hanya pada objek pustaka saja,…
This open access book explores how young people engage with chemical substances in their everyday lives. It builds upon and supplements a large body of literature on young people’s use of drugs and alcohol to highlight the subjectivities and socialities that chemical use enables across diverse socio-cultural settings, illustrating how young people seek to avoid harm, while harnessing the bene…
This open access book explores cultural competence in the higher education sector from multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary perspectives. It addresses cultural competence in terms of leadership and the role of the higher education sector in cultural competence policy and practice. Drawing on lessons learned, current research and emerging evidence, the book examines various innovative appro…
Imprisoned people have always been vulnerable and in need of human rights protections. The slow but steady growth in the protection of imprisoned people’s rights over recent decades in Australia has mostly come from incremental change to prison legislation and common law principles. A radical influence is about to disrupt this slow change. Australian prisons and other closed environments w…
Numerous issues face Pacific states trying to find their way in the early 21st century. Countries are striving to secure the benefits of modernisation. Governance, law and order are needed to reach such a goal, but development cannot be at the price of culture or the environment. The question of how to develop and maintain sound legal systems and legal rules whilst maintaining the unique cultur…