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Introduction to curriculum for early childhood education
Welcome to learning about how to effectively plan curriculum for young children. This textbook
will address:
- Developing curriculum through the planning cycle
- Theories that inform what we know about how children learn and the best ways for teachers to support learning
- The three components of developmentally appropriate practice
- Importance and value of play and intentional teaching
- Different models of curriculum
- Process of lesson planning (documenting planned experiences for children)
- Physical, temporal, and social environments that set the stage for children’s learning
- Appropriate guidance techniques to support children’s behaviors as the self-regulation abilities mature.
- Planning for preschool-aged children in specific domains including
- Physical development
- Language and literacy
- Math
- Science
- Creative (the visual and performing arts)
- Diversity (social science and history)
- Health and safety
- How curriculum planning for infants and toddlers is different from planning for older children
- Supporting school-aged children’s learning and development in out-of-school time through curriculum planning
- Making children’s learning visible through documentation and assessment
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